Chess's Blog v2.0

Friday, January 20, 2006

Jury Out-of-Service

Jury duty yesterday that involved nothing more than sitting and waiting. Thanks to the 1-day/1-trail system, I'm done for another year.

Sat next to a middle school English teacher (poor soul). She was grading papers that looked like ransom notes. I asked why they weren't in script and she said some students can't even read script handwriting, much less write it. How times have changed!

Next to her was a guy who got involved in the conversation after I mentioned that our daughter was autistic. After I mention that she's doing well in school, but isn't going to be able to live on her own, can't hold a conversation, etc., he asks me if she is doing ABA training. I say I haven't heard of it and then he goes all Rimland on me, talking about the special training his kid is getting, the social interaction he is getting (play dates, etc), the special diet he is one (no dairy or wheat), and that they tested him for heavy metals (his tin is very high, I'm told). He says his son tests positive in 7 of the 15 (current) autism characteristics (Sarah was 11 out of 13, but that was years ago). Then I ask how old his son is. "Four and a half," he says. Um...yeah. Glad I didn't get on a panel with this guy. (He also said that ADHD was now on the autistic spectrum. I don't think so, fella.)

Finally getting an all-in-one MP130 before all the new systems require expensive cartridges. Thank you OfficeMax for being the only retailier that still had some (and free shipping too).


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