Chess's Blog v2.0

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Looking Ahead...

Here it is, the last 1/2 hour of January 2006 and I haven't commited to anything I better get a move on.

1. First off, I need tools to do anything constructive. To that end, I have 2 books on making computer games that I want to get through this year.

2. I want to try to make at least a few games this year. Prime canidates are a version of Melee, Happy Life, and Sub Search, but I also want to try to make some games that don't fit any particular mold. Just quick mini-games are good too.

3. With the exception of thrift store runs, I want to make every other month a game buying free time.

4. I want to do the thrift stores at least every other week, with an eye for old out of print titles.

I guess those are the main points. Some other stuff like collecting patches, can be done when ever. Some of the things I plan seem rather AR, but that's nothing new.

Ok, let's see how it goes. First up is the books. I'll update during the month and sum up at the end of Febuary.


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